Streamlining Hotel Payments: Euronet Merchant Services’ PaybyLink solution partners with Prommt

Sneha Padavala

11th Sep 2023
Streamlining Hotel Payments: Euronet Merchant Services’ PaybyLink solution partners with Prommt

HOSPA  | Euronet Merchant Services

In the fast-paced world of modern hospitality, managing customer payments can be a challenging endeavour. Hotels often  face compliance requirements, the risk of data breaches, and the vulnerability to fraud and chargebacks. Additionally, customers may feel uncomfortable sharing their sensitive details over the phone.

To address these concerns, Euronet Merchant Services has partnered with Prommt to provide an innovative payment solution that not only reduces risks, but also delivers an elegant and secure payment experience consistent with the hotel’s brand identity.

Ready to get started?

We are available 24/7 to help your payments perform at a world-class level.

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