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April 3, 2023 Why I think Prommt can disrupt the payments market

Business Age

While changing customer behaviours may have taken 10 years at the turn of the century, it is now taking 36 months – or even less. Consumers have a desire for convenience and frictionless purchase experiences, they are routinely transacting online, are familiar with 3D secure and SCA steps (Strong Customer Authentication) and typically use a mobile banking app.  Added to this, is the arrival of Open Banking payments.

With market conditions driving change and consumers & merchants willing to embrace change, Prommt is perfectly positioned to disrupt the remote payments market. Donal McGuinness, CEO at Prommt, reveals his thoughts on what the future holds for Prommt and the world of remote payments.

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March 22, 2023 EDC Podcast Ep10: Lorraine Fahy, CMO at Prommt, Start Up Growth Story, Remote Payments Via Personalised Payment Links

In this episode, Martin Koderisch of Edgar, Dunn & Co. speaks to Lorraine Fahy, CMO at paytech Prommt. Prommt is a leading SaaS platform that enables businesses to request, collect and track remote payments from customers with secure and personalised payment links that can be sent via email, text as well as from with in chat and messaging apps. Customers are then given the choice to pay by card or by account-to-account bank transfer (Pay by Bank) that leverages new Open Banking technologies.

In our conversation, Lorraine expands on the company’s growth journey to date and plans for the US market.

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March 4, 2023 Drive Profitability with Innovation in Remote Payments

The Overview, HOSPA

Holidaying at home continues to grow in popularity since its surge during the pandemic, as recent studies highlight 81% of British hotel guests plan to stay at a UK hotel in 2023. Learn how innovation in remote payments reduce costs, protect margins and drive profitability – especially amid the challenges faced by the hospitality industry today such as inflation, energy costs, rising interest rates, staffing shortages and supply chain disruptions.

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February 17, 2023 Innovation in payments drives real impact for the Hardware Sector

The Hardware Journal

Prommt is delighted to be featured in the Feb 2023 issue of Hardware Association Ireland’s The Hardware Journal, where CEO Donal McGuinness highlights how Open Banking payments generate significant business impact for hardware stores and builders’ providers. This is a great payment option that is perfectly suited for high value sales, helping merchants to significantly reduce card processing costs and fraud.

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January 9, 2023 Going the distance: why are remote payments still a headache in luxury retail and hospitality?

By Eileen Carroll, Púca CEO & Prommt Co-Founder

It’s disconcerting to give your card details to someone on the other end of the line and not know if they’re writing them down or entering them into a card terminal. It’s also frustrating when you’re trying to complete a purchase online and the person assisting you doesn’t stay on the line to help you finish the payment. These poor experiences can unfortunately lead to lost business and unhappy customers.

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January 6, 2023 Payments & Open Banking Trends for 2023
The AI Journal | Donal McGuinness, CEO at Prommt

“Open Banking is the driver for change for traditional bank transfers and will do in the 2020s what e-commerce did across the 2000s. It will be just another payment type in the near future,” says Donal McGuinness, CEO at Prommt. This corner of the payments industry has remained largely untouched in terms of innovation until recently, with the emergence of new solutions that help merchants navigate digital remote payments smoothly.

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December 15, 2022 Why now is the perfect time for innovation within remote payments

The coupling of Open Banking Payment Initiation with Faster Payments now offers a viable alternative for merchants to efficiently process large volumes of bank payments and enjoy the almost real-time collection of funds. Donal McGuinness, CEO of Prommt, has contributed to an article for Finance Derivative on how Fintech has reshaped the digital payment industry and the changes that are on the horizon for remote bank payments.

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October 6, 2022 Token expands connectivity, bringing Open Banking payments to Ireland

Prommt continues to rapidly gain market share with customers now embracing Open Banking payments in Ireland. Branded as “Pay by Bank” and underpinned by Token’s Open Banking platform, we are thrilled to be part of Token’s announcement.

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